
1968/9 – 1970/3, 广东台山 部队农场 劳动锻炼

◆ 1970/4 – 1977/12, 四川泸州 长江挖掘机厂 技术员

◆ 1978/1 – 1979/12, 天津工程机械研究所 工程师

◆ 1980/1 – 1981/12, 英国剑桥大学 工程系 访问学者

◆ 1983/8 – 1983/11, 英国剑桥大学 工程系 Research Associate

◆ 1983/12 – 1984/3, 美国布朗大学 工程系 Research Associate

◆ 1984/3 – 1991/12, 北京大学 力学系 教授、博导、固体力学教研室主任

其中 1988 及1991 各有8个月在英国剑桥大学工程系作访问学者

◆ 1992/1 – 1995/3,英国曼彻斯特理工大学(UMIST) 机械工程系 教授(Reader)

◆ 1995/4 – 2010/6,香港科技大学机械工程系 教授、讲座教授

◆ 2011/1 – 2011/5,2012/1– 2012/5,新加坡南洋理工大学机械工程学院 访问教授

◆ 2012/6 – 现在,香港科技大学校长或副校长(研究)的资深顾问(Part time)

1958-1964, 北京大学 数学力学系 本科

◆ 1964-1968, 北京大学 数学力学系 研究生

◆ 1981-1983, 英国剑桥大学 工程系 博士

◆ 1988 – 现在,英国剑桥大学 丘吉尔学院Overseas Fellow

◆ 1995,英国剑桥大学 Doctor of Science (荣誉)

◆ 2000 – 现在,Member of Steering Committee, Asia-Pacific Engineering Plasticity (AEPA)

◆ 2001,中国高校科学技术奖一等奖

◆ 2003 – 现在,美国机械工程学会(ASME) Fellow

◆ 2003 – 现在,英国机械工程师学会(IMechE) Fellow

◆ 2016 – 现在,Honorary member, International Society of Impact Engineering



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G. Lu and T.X. Yu, Energy Absorption of Structures and Materials, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK, 2003.


W.J. Stronge and T.X. Yu, Dynamic Models for Structural Plasticity, Springer-Verlag, London, 1993.

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T.X. Yu and L.C. Zhang, Plastic Bending: Theory and Applications, World Scientific,  Singapore, 1996.


Xueyu Bai, Ling Zhu and T.X. Yu, Saturated impulse for fully clamped square plates under blast loading, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 146-147, 417-431, 2018.

Y. Wang, Y.L. Yang, S. Wang, Z.L. Huang and T.X. Yu, Dynamic behavior of circular ring impinging on ideal elastic wall: Analytical model and experimental validation, Int. J. Impact Engng. 122, 148-160, 2018.

YuZhe Liu, XinMing Qiu and T.X. Yu A theoretical model of the inversion tube over a conical die, Thin-Walled Structures, 127, 31-39, 2018.

YuZhe Liu, XinMing Qiu, HongLei Ma, WenWen Fu and T.X. Yu, A study of woodpecker\'s pecking process and the impact response of its brain, Int. J. Impact Engng. 108, 263-271, 2017.

Dora Karagiozova, T.X. Yu, Shiyun Shi, Ling Zhu, On the influence of elasticity on the large deflections response of circular plates to uniform quasi-static pressure, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 131-132, 894-907, 2017.

Pengfei Wang, Xin Zhang, Reinack Varghese Hansen, Gengzhi Sun, He Zhang, Lianxi Zheng, T.X. Yu, Guoxing Lu, and Jinglei Yang, Strengthening and failure mechanisms of individual carbon nanotube fibers under dynamic tensile loading, Carbon, 102, 18-31, 2016.

X.H. Yu, X.M. Qiu and T.X. Yu, Theoretical model of a metal tube under inversion over circular dies, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 108-109, 23–28, 2016.

L.L. Hu, Zh.H. Zeng and T.X. Yu, Axial crushing of pressurized thin-walled cylindrical tubes -- analysis and simulations, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 107, 126–135, 2016.

Yanfei Xiang, T.X. Yu and Liming Yang, Comparative analysis of energy absorption capacity of polygonal tubes, multi-cell tubes and honeycombs by utilizing Key Performance Indicators, Materials & Design, 89, 689-696, 2016.

郑宇轩, 周风华, 余同希, 动态碎裂过程中的最快速卸载现象,“中国科学:技术科学”,第46卷,第1期,1-7页,2016年。

H.H. Ruan and T.X. Yu, The unexpectedly small coefficient of restitution of a two-degree-of-freedom mass-spring system and its implications, Int. J. Impact Engng. 88, 1-11, 2016.

S. Xu, D. Ruan, G. Lu and T.X. Yu, Collision and rebounding of circular rings on rigid target, Int. J. Impact Engng. 79, 14-21, 2015.

R.H. Bao and T.X. Yu, Collision and rebound of ping pong balls on a rigid target, Materials & Design, 87, 278-286, 2015.

R.H. Bao and T.X. Yu, Impact of an elastic-plastic ring on a rigid wall, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 91, 55-63, 2015.

D. Karagiozova, T.X. Yu, G. Lu and X. Xiang, Response of a circular metallic hollow beam to an impulsive loading, Thin-Walled Structures, 80, 80-90, 2014.

M. Xu, Y. Wang, X.L. Jin, Z.L. Huang and T. X. Yu, Incorporating dissipated impact into random vibration analyses through the modified Hertzian contact model, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 139(12), 1736-1743, 2013.

L.L. Hu and T.X. Yu, Mechanical behavior of hexagonal honeycombs under low-velocity crushing – theory and simulations, Int. J. Solids Struct. 50, 3152-3165, 2013.

D. Karagiozova, T.X. Yu and G. Lu, Transverse blast loading of hollow beams with square cross sections, Thin-Walled Structures, 62, 169–178, 2013.

C.J. Shen, T.X. Yu and G. Lu, Double shock mode in graded cellular rod under impact, Int. J. Solids Struct. 50, 217–233, 2013.

Fenghua Zhou, T.X. Yu and Liming Yang, Elastic behavior of ring-on-foundation, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 54(1), 38-47, 2012.

Q.M. Qiu and T.X. Yu, Some topics in recent advances and applications of structural impact dynamics, Applied Mechanics Review, 64(3), 034001, DOI: 10.1115/1.4005571, May 2011.

Xinghua Zhang, Ping Feng, Yongjun He, T.X. Yu, Qingping Sun, Experimental study on rate dependence of macroscopic domain and stress hysteresis in NiTi shape memory alloy strips, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 52(12), 1660-1670, 2010.

L.L. Hu and T.X. Yu, Dynamic crushing strength of hexagonal honeycombs, Int. J. Impact Engng. 37(5), 467-474, 2010.

P. Xue, C.F. Qiao and T.X. Yu, Crashworthiness study of a keel beam structure, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 52(5), 672-692, 2010.

C.Y. Zhou and T.X. Yu, Analytical models for shock isolation of typical components in portable electronics, Int. J. Impact Engng, 36(12), 1377-1384, 2009.

X.M. Qiu, J. Zhang and T.X. Yu, Collapse strength of periodic planar lattices under uniaxial compression, Part I: Quasi-static strength predicted by limit analysis, Int. J. Impact Engng, 36(10-11), 1223-1230, 2009.

X.W. Zhang, H. Su and T.X. Yu, Energy absorption of an axially crushed square tube with a buckling initiator, Int. J. Impact Engng. 36(3), 402-417, 2009.

X.W. Zhang and T.X. Yu, Energy absorption of pressurized thin-walled circular tubes under axial crushing, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 51(5), 335-349, 2009.

L.L. Hu, T.X. Yu, Z.Y. Gao and X.Q. Huang, The inhomogeneous deformation of polycarbonate circular honeycombs under in-plane compression, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 50(7), 1224-1236, 2008.

Z.Y. Gao, T.X. Yu and H. Zhao, Mechanical behavior of metallic hollow sphere (MHS) materials: An experimental study, ASCE J. Aerospace Eng. 21(4), 206-216, 2008.

J. Cao, R. Akkerman, P. Boisse, J. Chen, H.S. Cheng, E.F. de Graaf, J.L. Gorczyca, P. Harrison, G. Hivet, J. Launay, W. Lee, L. Liu, S.V. Lomov, A. Long, E. de Luycker, F. Morestin, J. Padvoiskis, X.Q. Peng, J. Sherwood, Tz. Stoilova, X.M. Tao, I. Verpoest, A. Willems, J. Wiggers, T.X. Yu and B. Zhu, Characterization of mechanical behavior of woven fabrics: Experimental methods and benchmark results, Composites Part A – Applied Science and Manufacturing, 39(6), 1037-1053, 2008.

C.Y. Zhou, T.X. Yu and R.S.W. Lee, Drop/impact tests and analysis of typical portable electronic devices, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 50(5), 905-917, 2008.

D. Karagiozova, T.X. Yu and Z.Y. Gao, Stress-strain relationship for metal hollow sphere materials as a function of their relative density, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 74(5), 898-907, 2007.

B. Zhu, T.X. Yu and X.M. Tao, Large deformation and slippage mechanism of plain woven composite in bias extension, Composites Part A – Applied Science and Manufacturing, 38(8), 1821-1828, 2007.

B. Zhu, T.X. Yu and X.M. Tao, An experimental study of in-plane large shear deformation of woven fabric composite, Composite Science and Technology, 67(2), 252-261, 2006.

S.L. Ruan, P. Gao and T.X. Yu, Ultra-strong gel-spun UHMMPE fibers reinforced using multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Polymer, 47(5), 1604-1611, 2006.

D. Karagiozova, T.X. Yu and Z.Y. Gao, Modeling of MHS cellular solid in large strains, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 48(11), 1273-1286, 2006.

D. Karagiozova and T.X. Yu, Post-collapse characteristics of ductile circular honeycombs under in-plane compression, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 47(4-5), 570-602, 2005.

Zarudi, L.C. Zhang, W.C.D. Cheong and T.X. Yu, The difference of phase distributions in silicon after indentation with Berkovich and spherical indenters, Acta Materialia, 53, 4795-4800, 2005.

C.Z. Zhu, W. Guo, T.X. Yu, C.H. Woo, Radial compression of carbon nanotubes: Deformation and damage, super elasticity and super hardness, Nanotechnology, 16, 1035-1039, 2005.

Qing Zhou and T.X. Yu, Use High-efficiency energy absorbing device to arrest progressive collapse of tall building, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 130(10), 1177-1187, 2004.

Wanlin Guo, C.Z. Zhu, T.X. Yu, C.H. Woo, B. Zhang and Y.T. Dai, The formation of sp3 bonding in nano-indented carbon nanotubes and graphite, Physics Review Letters, 93(24), 245502 (week ending 10 December 2004), 2004.